Wednesday, 26 September 2012

The bird and it's birdcage

She is a little bird who was brought up in a cage called home and she is fed with love and care everyday. Then it came to a time where she is ready to fly. Now, she is a free bird, out in the air, flying happily with both her wings stretched out. She flies without worries, forgetting the world, but not herself. Sometimes, the sun burns her, the winds changes her path, thunder scares her, rain cancels her plans but she still faces all of them with a strong heart. Believing that it happens for a reason. She learns from all of them. When her strong heart is broken, she realizes her true loved ones. Wherever she flies, she takes with her all the values and culture that is learnt while she was in her cage.She has her own destination, but she follows it with god's path. On her journey, she meets new friends. Some become best friends, some become strangers, but she always remembers that human will always be humans and she treats them like one. Giving her best as she can. She is a grumpy one. But the only one who is able to see her sad face behind that grumpy face is her mum. And she loves her with all her heart. Owh, she has a flying partner too, someone just like her. No matter where she goes, she never forgets her "cage". At the end of the day, when she has finished her awesomeful journey, she always returns back to her very own cage. The place where she belongs, the only place that keeps her safe and warm. =)