Friday 17 August 2012

Childhood. I miss it. So much.

As usual, I was scrolling down my FB news feed and then I saw a picture posted by my friend. I stopped, Hey I know that UNCLE!!!! I used to buy "Aiskrim Potong" from this uncle when I was in my primary school. I starred at the picture for minutes without realizing. That was more than 10 years ago. Tears filled my eyes. How I miss my childhood. I went to school just to see my friends, recess was spent playing and gossiping (that age itself), and the main agenda starts after school, JUNK FOOD SHOPPING TIME!! That is when we finish all up saved up pennies to get all sorts of chips, crackers and so on(SUPER RING, BIKA, APOLLO and etc.) And to get 20 cents "Aiskrim Potong" (corn flavoured: my fav) was a MUST!! Haishh! During my childhood, seriously, my biggest worry was just HOMEWORK. How when I get back home from school, first thing that I'll do is to sniff from outside the house itself what my mom has cooked for lunch. I'll eat until my stomach feels like bursting, then straight to bed for an afternoon nap (quite long one) with my mum. I wake up for my tea time, take my bath, pray, tv then straight to bed again. (That's why my homework was a worry to me!!) Sitting here, I feel helpless, how I wish I could have my childhood again.. I know TIME is not REVERSIBLE. If I was given a chance, I will not change anything in my past coz that was what that made me who I am today. But I can tell you, I was one naughty, weird & HAPPY kid who really enjoyed my CHILDHOOD! And that child is still in me and will always be. . .

Tuesday 14 August 2012

Never JUDGE a man UNTIL you've walked in HIS boots!!

I used to be a person who judges someone quickly and if I have that one thing that I don't like about them, that will make to get annoyed with whatever they do and in the end, that might lead me to hate them. WHAT they did mattered to me most than WHY they did it.. Silly girl I was. Things really changed when people didn't understand why I did certain stuffs and then only I started to put myself in other person's shoes before judging them. That was when I was taken back and that changed the whole view about people that I had before. Yes, we will never know what a person went through that they are in that way if we never walked their journey.How hard will it be for the person that you are judging when you never knew what they went through. That is when I stopped judging people, I found the gold in them. The good heart that I have never knew before. How blind I was, covered with a shield called immaturity(And yes, that doesn't mean I'm matured now) All that glitters is not gold and often do we realize the gold that have been always there, right in front of our eyes.. Appreciate and love everyone as we are all one, HUMANS!!

Sunday 5 August 2012

FEAR is only a FEAR until you OVERCOME it!!

18th July 2012: Never knew that I will ever Bungy Jump! It was decided there and then. I still couldn't believe that I'm gonna jump although I was at the edge of the platform. When I was at the edge of the platform, I could not think of anyone else, the only thing that was on my mind was, should I turn back and walk away! Thank GOD my partner that went tandem with me was there to convince me that WE CAN DO IT! OMG, How I LOVE HER!! It took lots of courage to decide to JUMP and I did! Had TERRIBLE blood rush while falling down and I only opened my eyes when I heard my partner saying, "Don't close your eyes!!" Quickly, I opened my eyes and I enjoyed the BEAUTIFUL view, upside down! It was beautiful! Had three bounces before they pulled us up and somehow I managed to pull my red string and sit while I went up. When I stepped on the platform, my legs were shaking, I could not stop it, it was involuntary. All I can think of is, THANK GOD I did not walk away and I DID IT!! I felt so AWESOME that I could not describe it in words! And yeah, I walked away as a CERTIFIED JUMPER EXTRAORDINAIRE!! And this it it, I decided, I'm gonna try all the exciting challenges while I can! Woohooooo!!