Tuesday 14 August 2012

Never JUDGE a man UNTIL you've walked in HIS boots!!

I used to be a person who judges someone quickly and if I have that one thing that I don't like about them, that will make to get annoyed with whatever they do and in the end, that might lead me to hate them. WHAT they did mattered to me most than WHY they did it.. Silly girl I was. Things really changed when people didn't understand why I did certain stuffs and then only I started to put myself in other person's shoes before judging them. That was when I was taken back and that changed the whole view about people that I had before. Yes, we will never know what a person went through that they are in that way if we never walked their journey.How hard will it be for the person that you are judging when you never knew what they went through. That is when I stopped judging people, I found the gold in them. The good heart that I have never knew before. How blind I was, covered with a shield called immaturity(And yes, that doesn't mean I'm matured now) All that glitters is not gold and often do we realize the gold that have been always there, right in front of our eyes.. Appreciate and love everyone as we are all one, HUMANS!!

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