Saturday 17 September 2011


Best friend.. Everyone has a best friend.. Don't you?? I have few.. But I have only one BEST FRIEND that my LOVE FOR her is UNMEASURABLE..

She was with me since I was not even fully formed..

She is the reason I breathe..

She has never left me alone..

She gave everything that she had just for me..

She works hard so that I can live a happy life..

She never says NO to me..

She will always smile to hide sorrows in her heart so that I will never know..

She is my EVERYTHING..

She is the one who will always be there for you.. No matter in what condition you are, what you did, what you have said, THE ONE AND ONLY PERSON that will always embrace you forever is MUM.. AMMA.. She is the one.. My BEST FRIEND FOREVER!! My whole life wont be enough to show my love for her.. Missing her at this very moment madly..

Friday 9 September 2011


A very subtle topic. Its very hard to define FRIENDSHIP.. In my 21 years of living , I have got hurt a lot , fell down, got up and still getting hurt because of FRIENDSHIP but I'm still moving on with my life. At first I really got confused. What is FRIENDSHIP then??

I had no one to explain.. Confused , still I was.. I was having the best of times with them until something terrible came up.. I tried my very best to hold my FRIENDS whom I love a lot.. I did , I really did.. But I didn't know where I went wrong.. Maybe it was my mistake, I agreed and I confessed but things did not seem to be the same.. Maybe they can't forgive me.. Maybe that's it.. I guess.. But I knew I did not do anything with the intention of hurting them.. Nobody understood me.. Damn hurt I was and this poor heart cried loudly but no one could hear..

But I thought, people choose to be with the people that they want. We cant force anyone to be with us although we want them to be with us.. After all , its their life right.. So they have their own rights to decide. They have their own reasons to not to choose to be with me.. I think I just have to learn to leave my friends on the path that they choose to be and move on with my life. I tried my best and I know that I will not regret later that I did not try to fix things up.

Yes, we have to get HURT in order to LEARN.. I have really learnt a lot.. Enough of tears.. And, I have decided, if my friends choose to stay in my life, I will WELCOME them with open arms.. But if they choose to LEAVE, I will bid them a GOODBYE with a BIG SMILE.. =)

Sunday 4 September 2011

Zindagi Na Milegi Dobara

Yes, LIFE is only for once and no matter what you do, you can never reverse the time nor start it all over again!!! Well, this is what I do in order to LIVE my LIFE!!


Mistakes are the most common ones in our LIFE.. It is when we do mistakes we really wish that we can FIX it. For me, I think MISTAKES are what causes us to LEARN and not to REPEAT the same thing again. When we are able to take each mistakes that we do as a STEPPING STONE, that is when we will stop REGRETTING and start LEARNING.


You can PLAN how you are going to live for the next forty years but the question is will you live to that far that you have planned? Nobody knows what will happen next right? We can plan and plan as mush as we want but GOD has greater plans for us. So why WORRY about the day that we don't know whether it exists? Thank GOD for each and every day that he has GRANTED you and cherish those moments that is in front of YOU!


PARENTS are the MOST PRECIOUS thing that I could name in the entire UNIVERSE. Only they will give everything that they have in order to give comfort and to fulfil their child's wish. My PARENTS will always be the ones that I give all my DEVOTION to. Give it all to your FAMILY and FRIENDS who were always there through your thick and thin. There is no HARM in giving your love to everyone isn't it? To GIVE and RECEIVE love to and from others gives you a good feeling. I just feel so LUCKY to have so much of them who loves me and those who appreciates my love! KILL all your ENEMIES!! Cause having enemies will give you nothing but more HATRED! Why do we need to create space for that?


I do and will always BELIEVE that everything happens with a reasonable reason behind it. Well I'm saying this from my EXPERIENCES. Till now, I have came across so many CHALLENGES and PROBLEMS in my life and at the end of each one, I will REALIZE a REASON behind it.. So it is WISE to think that each and every OBSTACLES gives us a BETTER situation. Would like to quote a remarkable statement by anonymouys, 'Problems are like washing machines, they TWIST us, SPIN us and KNOCK us around.. But in the END we come out CLEANER, BRIGHTER and BETTER than BEFORE!!! Isn't it so TRUE????!!!!


He is the only ONE who will always be there to LISTEN to your problems no matter what time it is!! =P What you will have to do is just talk to HIM in your HEART. HE always listens.. Although he doesn't gives the SOLUTION there and then, HE will do it! You just have to BELIEVE that HE will never let go the person that TRUSTS him just like that.


No matter what life gives YOU, just SMILE and accept it as a new OPPORTUNITY to learn and to grow strong! SMILE and SMILE that even SORROWS are sick of it!!

Wednesday 20 July 2011



I have been quite fond about CUPCAKES lately and recently, I'm going CRAZY bout them.. I love to adore the BEAUTY and CUTENESS of the CUPCAKES more than eating them! I like eating them though but adoring them is just MORE!!

CUPCAKES that has got animal designs on them ATTRACTS me much much more coz I'm an animal LOVER!

LOOK! Aren't they AWESOME???

This LADYBIRD CUPCAKES is just my FAVORITE of all!! I'm attempting to do one and when I do, I'll be the most happiest person in the world!!

Gosh, I really LOOOVEEEE CUPCAKES and RIGHT NOW, I'm craving for one!!! =P

Thursday 14 July 2011


"Heavy hearts, like heavy clouds in the sky, are best relieved by the letting of a little water."

- Christopher Morley

Whenever my heart feels heavy, the best medicine for me will be to let of little water.. It helps.. Although it causes more pain but that's the best that can comfort me at that time.. After crying, the heart feels much lighter and mind gets clear for me to think of a new solution. I hate crying though but I have to do so when I'm helpless. . .

Wednesday 13 July 2011

29th JUNE ~ A Cinderella story~

Usually, I get excited when it's my BIRTHDAY. Aand this time, I was waiting to know how it feels to get 21 years old.. Was quite curious about it.. Well the day came and I thank GOD for letting me to see my 21! Now about how I felt.. Wait, let me explain first the surprises that I had on that very special day..

First of all, before the clock struck 12, I was on the phone with my beloved one! Well, he wished me the FIRST, that itself is a great surprise for me..

Right after that, my beloved friend, Vijeya covered my eyes! Gosh, it shocked me but I knew that these girls had something for me.. I could hear my dearest roommate, Amala preparing something... When the clock hit 12 am, she uncovered my eyes and I GOT THE SHOCK OF MY LIFE TO SEE LITTLE CUTE DELICIOUS AWESOME CUPCAKES WITH MY NAME SPELLED ON IT TOGETHER WITH BIRTHDAY WISHES!!! GOOOSSSHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!! CUPCAKES are my favorite and I never had it for my BIRTHDAY!!! I could not stop screaming and jumping.. It was the biggest surprise for me..

Those are the CUTE CUPCAKES! And it tasted like HEAVEN! Thank you so much to my darlings Amala and Vijeya for the lovely surprise.. I really truly deeply APPRECIATE it!

I was also overjoyed by the overflowing wishes from Malaysia.. Really made my day...

The next day, as I wished, we headed to temple.. I really had a peace of mind there.. Was very glad to go HIS place on my special day.. That is what I wish for every year on my Birthday.. I wore saree, as I wished also and I felt so special (although I was having quite a hard time walking with the saree)

Right after coming back from temple, Vijeya's anni, prepared food for us.. Imagine, home cooked food on my birthday! Plus, 'payasam' (an Indian sweet) was also made for me by Vijeya's anni's mum.. It was heaven guys.. At this very moment, I missed my family so much, especially my mum.. I miss her cookings.. T_T

Then. we headed to a shopping complex nearby to watch movie. We watched Bridesmaids.. It was a nice funny movie with meaningful message. Had fun in the theater laughing and giggling! To my surprise, one of my best friend came to visit me on that day.. It was Anis Hanani, my crazy friend! And you know what, she brought me CUPCAKES!! Again CUPCAKES and I just loved it alot!! And I love her so much for that!

Later we headed to an Indian restaurant for a treat by me.. I love treating my friends on my birthday and I'm so glad that I got that opportunity on this day! We ate a lot and we could not finish those food and packed it home..

Lastly, we headed back home and before the clock struck 12 again, I was at home.. It was like a Cinderella story, 12-12.. But I really felt like Cinderella.. I had so many surprises and happiness.. I would really like to thank all those who contributed each and every moment from them to make my day wonderful.. I really appreciate it..

And yah.. lets get back to the feeling part.. Well, when I got 21, the first thing that I felt was. OMG, I am getting older.. Yes I am and I don't regret it.., yet! A new beginning for meand lets see what 21 has got for me! =)

Saturday 2 July 2011

Why I started??

Well, there are many reasons for me to start blogging..

1. The first and foremost reason is that I am an English teacher-to-be! So I want to improve my writing skills! (sounds so nerdy which is not me!)

2. Actually, writing is my passion but sadly, I am too lazy! So by having this blog, I just hope that I will have reasons to write!

3. I am a very emotional person so rather than wasting my time emo-ing, it's better for me to blog something right??? =)

4. I don't like to keep a diary so this is like the other option for me!

5. I also believe that by pouring out my feeling by writing, it makes me happy coz I am not a person who expresses my feelings..

So I guess that's it! I am kinda excited (Although I know I am kinda left out and late to create a blog! But I believe that it is better LATE than NEVER!) So, see ya with my next post! ^_^

So why don't you

Have a great day! Cheers! =)